Janathon Day 4 – Walkies

So my hubby kindly let me have a lie in this morning, after feeling decidedly ropey the day before, the small people don’t start back at school and nursery until tomorrow and he’s taken some holiday so doesn’t have to go back to work until next week!

When I got up (and had eaten breakfast), I got on with some Open University study, as I have thoroughly neglected it over Christmas and the New Year, with the intention of going for a walk later, due to the fact that thankfully I was feeling better than yesterday but still rather tired and didn’t want to over do it. Typically whilst I was studying the skies were blue and the weather was dry, as the morning became afternoon I could hear the tell-tell sounds of raindrops on our conservatory roof! Such joy, this made me feel rather less enthusiastic about venturing out (venting my frustrations on Facebook).

Networking studies

Eventually I got ready to go, finally getting out of my PJs and into some clothes – and I dressed appropriately for the possible weather, which for the time being had stopped raining, but I took my umbrella and wore my waterproof jacket to ensure I was prepared for the weather to turn again. I also wore my Buff, which kept my ears lovely and warm!
WalkI needed to take my watch to the menders for a new battery, so used that as my reason to get out – I hate being without my watch, and the battery in my spare had also stopped.  So I took a the normal route to the repair shop and then took a longer route home.  A very pleasant walk as the weather was kind to me and it didn’t rain, though I did have to avoid a few puddles here and there – in total I covered 5.55km! Not a bad effort in the end after all my procrastination!


What to do for Janathon tomorrow? 🙂 xxx

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