Janathon Day 31 – And this Little Janathoner went Wii all the Way Home!

Whew! I made it, 31 days of exercise and far harder 31 days of blogging!!!

So for the final hurrah I did 30 minute on the Wii as I didn’t use it for the entire of the rest of Janathon! Below are a couple of embarrassing videos for you to view!

IMG_8704Happy Janathon everyone and well done for making it!!!

So will you be signing up for Juneathon!?! 🙂 xxx

Janathon Day 30 – Parenting took Priority!

Today I was meant to be going for a 5km run with other members of the UK Fitness Bloggers Facebook group who were participants of the virtual 5km. I was meant to travel with the lovely Helen, who had organised this event with the equally delightful Mollie, getting to The Running Works for around 9.30am. Unfortunately for me and the hubby, at 1.30am our poor little Pink One was sick! This put paid to my plans!

I’ve had a bad week with my anxiety, so this wasn’t particularly great timing, I know no one likes anyone throwing up, but I am emetophobic, I am really not good with this! Kindly my hubby dealt with the poorly throwing up child and I dealt with the Blue One who had woken up strolling into our room saying his sister had a ‘Big cough’.

So pretty much a sleepless night all round (except the Blue One) who cuddled up and slept on me, literally, all night.

Come the morning, the hubby stayed with the Pink One, whilst I took the Blue One to his new footie session – which initially seemed like it wasn’t going to go so well – he was being all nervous and kept saying he wanted to sit with me and didn’t want to play, but fortunately he came around and listened to Coach Alex and thoroughly enjoyed his hour of football!

Big Thumbs up for his footie session!


From there the Blue One and I did the Morrison’s Big Shop – which is exercise in itself I assure you, lugging 6 pint bottles of milk around is heavy lifting!

We then came home, I helped the hubby put the shopping away. He then took the Blue One to a birthday party – the little social boy! I stayed with the Pink One, who even though she had a high temperature was pretty perky. She played with her Play-Doh (from this you can gage how sorry I felt for her, she had meant to be going with her uncles, granddad and cousin to the Cosmonaut Exhibition at the Science Museum, she would have so loved it, fortunately we hadn’t told her she was going. So I let her play with the Play-Doh, I can’t stand Play-Doh, it messes with my head!) whilst I got on with some OU study.

Looking beautiful even though she’s poorly and had no sleep!


When the Hubby returned with the Blue One, I asked if he minded whether I went for a walk, which he didn’t, because he is the kindest Hubby ever! So I went for a good solid 5km walk in the fresh evening air, and it felt so good.
ActivitySo there we have it, my penultimate day of Janathon! Not quite what I had planned, but a full and busy day none the less! 🙂 xxx

Janathon Day 29 – Walkies

After yesterdays exertions at my beloved Boxercise, and the fact this virus still seems to be hanging around, I thought I’d take it very easy today so it was a very gentle walk!

I very excitingly had prescriptions to pick up anyway, so a walk in the wind and the drizzle it was! I did actually do slightly more than 1.53km, but I turned MapMyWalk off in the pharmacists and forgot to put it back on for my amble home – but it wasn’t exactly far!!!
There is light at the end of the Janathon tunnel – nearly there! 🙂 xxx

Janathon Day 28 – Boxercise is the Best!

Even though I’m still feeling a bit ropey with this cold/virus I really wanted to go to my Boxercise class in the evening! After a slight anxiety break this morning – a spilt bowl of cereal was the straw that broke the camel’s back – I also really NEEDED my Boxercise!!!

Tonight’s session was hard going – after warming up we had ropes going across the hall – we had to weave under and jab, then high knee run back – repeated three times!

Then we had to weave and hook – moving back using lunges – repeated again three times!

After these we did a leg session – there was leg lifts, leg kicks and then side leg lifts, slow then really fast – I found this section very hard going, after a few days of no exercise and my cold!

Next up was an arm session – two jabs with each hand, two hooks with each hand, two uppers with each hand and two lower uppers with each hand, followed by a one with each had and this was repeated five times! Then a boxers bounce and do it again – so four lots of five!!! Swap – repeat! Woo!!!

Then paired up again for ten fast jabs – sprint to the end of the hall, kneel down, and then punch the punch pad on the floor or, and I quote “punch the shit out of it!” – repeat three times and then do again with ten hooks!

Finally some upper work, roll down into a push up position and lower for a count of eight (I managed to four), they repeated for five times, but I managed two as when getting back up it hurt my knees!

Roll down to a push up position and then twist to the side and up to the count of ten, roll back up, and then repeated three times!

Time for a cool down! It’s was a good session – much needed and did improve my mood – just hope this virus buggers off!!! Hate feeling so achy!

Yay for Boxercise!!! 🙂 xxx

Photos courtesy of Michelle Fox – our fab fitness instructor!

Janathon Day 27 – The Lemsip Lift!

Feeling so rough this morning I had to cancel the swimming session I’d organised with my friend. Felt so disappointed, as if I was letting myself down, though I knew it would be silly to go and I would have ended up putting my confidence back, so it was a sensible decision but just wish I’d felt well enough to go.

I even got the hubby to do the school and nursery drop off this morning, so my minimal exercise today was walking to collect the Blue One from nursery and then another walk to collect the Pink One from school!

I also did the Lemsip Lift!!! A kettle full of water is heavy (didn’t waste water, as doing the kids pasta at the same time)
Lemsip Lift1. Filled and put the kettle on
2. Get sachet of Lemsip
3. Open sachet and pour contents into mug
4. Lemsip powder in the mug
5. Add boiled water
6. Stir
7. Add cold water and get ready to drink
8. Down it as quickly as possible
There was a 9th image of the compulsory grimace but no one needed to see that ‘delightful’ image of me!

Really hoping I feel better tomorrow as I want to go to my Boxercise class – but we’ll have to see what the day brings! 🙂 xxx

Janathon Day 26 – Feeling under the weather!

Today is the hubby’s birthday! He had the day off from work, so as a treat, once the small people had been dropped off at school and nursery, we walked to the local café and both had an extremely yummy cooked breakfast – it was so good!

Mmmm, Breakfast and The Birthday Boy!
Mmmm, Breakfast and The Birthday Boy!


Today is usually a running day for me, I really enjoy my 6km runs, but I’ve not been feeling the greatest the last day or two, feel like I’m coming down with a cold, so instead the hubby and I went for a very nice stroll together after our breakfast – it was rather windy but the rain hadn’t started yet!

Had a slight technology mishap – MapMyWalk showed that we’d walked 1.16km in 34 seconds and as the crow flies, now I know we have a brisk pace, but I assure we are not super human!!! haha!!!

Technology Fail!!!

I checked on another map and worked out we covered approximately 2.8km and did it in about 30 minutes. It was a very pleasant walk – really did miss my run though, but the way I’m feeling it wouldn’t have gone too well!

Hope I’m on the mend soon – liking all the exercise, but it’s so much harder to do when feeling all tired and achy – and probably not a good idea to do either!

What makes you feel better when you’re under the weather!? 🙂 xxx

Janathon Day 25 – Walking it off!

Well I had planned to do some weights today but I woke up with a pinched nerve in my shoulder which is rather painful and making my whole right arm ache! I am blaming it on the day of study I did the day before and all the hand writing (and nothing to do with the exercising I’ve been doing).

Beautiful Day for a Walk


So instead I went for a walk , as it was a really beautiful morning – managing over 7000+ steps by 9:30am – so with my busy day of the Blue Ones football and then the Pink and Blue Ones swimming lessons I managed to go over 10,000+ steps today!
StepsWhat do you like to do on a rest day 🙂 xxx

Janathon Day 24 -Ignite workout

So for today’s contribution I was lucky enough to be emailed a sample session of Julie Buckley’s Ignite workout which was useful as I had no other plan for today – so a 30 minute intense work out it just what I needed! Especially as I’m completely bogged down with my OU studies, making sure I’m about for the hubby and kids and all the general life things!!!

I really enjoyed the workout, worked up a good swear and able to do it from the comfort of your own home without any travel is always a bonus! Not bad when I was only planning a star jump today!!!

What workouts do you enjoy the most? 🙂 xxx

Janathon Day 23 – 10,000 steps by 10am

10,000 steps by 10am
10,000 steps by 10am

Today was Parkrun – my lovely friend Kay was doing her first ever Parkrun so I was very happy to be going along to support her!

It was a beautiful day and I was quite delighted that it was considerably warmer than last Saturday – the only downside to this was that the mud was decidedly squelchy again and this makes me very careful as it can be so slippery!

See - it was muddy!
See – it was muddy!

I felt pretty good this week and Kay did amazingly well and stuck with me for the most part! My time today was 00:32:55 – slowly going in the right direction – my dream for 2016 is to do 5km in 30 minutes, but we’ll see! I was very happy to see that my splits were pretty even and if I can gradually keep shaving off a few seconds each time I know I can get there!
ParkrunBecause we good girls and walked to and from Parkrun – I’d already taken over 10,000 steps by the time I got home at around 10am and covered over 8km! Good start to the weekend!

After a spot of lunch I went and did the big Morrisons show – which is definitely a work out and whilst in store racked up another 2,000+ steps and 1km in distance – not mention all the lifting and carrying!

Big Shop
The Big Shop!


This afternoon (and evening) has been all about the OU study – but I initially struggled as I felt so sleepy after the mornings exertions!

It’s all good for us, right!?! 🙂 xxx

Janathon Day 22 – Friday, I’ve been weighting!

Todays Totals

Had an appointment in London this morning, so by 12noon I’d already walk 7.24km which I think is pretty good going. I also got to use my new umbrella that I got for Christmas.

Arty shot of my new umbrella
Arty shot of my new umbrella

I’m off to watch my sister and niece in pantomime this evening so just a quick synopsis of my Janathon Day 22 contributions! I used my new weights for the second time.
FullSizeRenderUsing the 1kg weights – I did Bicep Curl, Tricep Lift, Front Elevation and Side Elevation. I did 20 reps of each and repeated the whole routine 3 times – by the third time round I could really feel it, especially with the side elevations.

What weight combinations do you like to do? I’m still very new to using weights so any recommendations gratefully received! 🙂 xxx